Safety is a Core Value


Our Most Important Job

NTI’s mission is to be incident and injury free while promoting a culture of safety as a core value of our business. Success requires a concentrated effort at all levels. We regularly share safety expectations, news, and education with all company employees, not just those engaged on customer projects.

Our comprehensive safety program is highlighted by:

  • Injury Rates and Experience Modification Rates (EMR) well below the industry average (.76 as of October 2023).
  • Top-level leadership commitment and a growing team of dedicated safety professionals.
  • Comprehensive health and safety management system including written policies and compliance management software.
  • Incident reporting and analysis focused on identifying root cause and/or contributing factors.
  • A people-based approach, understanding that our teammates work safely to stay injury free, not just be compliant.
  • Daily Safety Briefing / Job Hazard Analysis process for all customer projects. 

Standard employee safety training includes:

Aligning with our customers' safety programs

Our goal is to achieve a mutually successful and incident-free project, meeting or exceeding both our own safety standards and specific customer safety requirements. Processes we can leverage include:

  • Developing site-specific EHS plans and High Risk Activity (HRA) Management plans as required.
  • Developing and delivering weekly safety reporting & safety communication to the NTI and customer project teams.
  • Conducting safety visits at the project site as required.
  • Participating on customer Safety Committees to review and implement safety procedures.
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